I have started my english course again (level 8B out of 9).
At first, I was so dissapointed because my teacher wasn´t the same than the previous level, as i told you before.
After the second class I´m happy because i just have 4 classmates. The group is so small so now the teacher can give us much more attention. He corrects every mistake we make and we get to speak almost during the whole class. Personalized learning! Thinking about the amount it costs.... it is worth every single cent.
I am very busy at the moment so i apologize for not getting to visit you all. I will try to do it through the week!
One more thing, i have suddenly fell in love with this:
and it seems like i have just started to look like the model!!!
Enjoy your week!!!
19 comentarios:
Oh my dear!!! I'm so happy for you. I hope you will succesfully finish your 8b level. Have a good week you too!!!
I don't know how you can do all that stuff: kids, english classes, hospital, diet and work out!!! I admire you. I wanna be like you.
Have a nice week you too :)
Entendí todo, pero NO LO PUEDO ESCRIBIR EN CORRECTO INGLES, jajajajaja
Te pareces a mien la excelente distribución de tu tiempo querida, y encima, feliz con tu ejercicio!
Karol:I´m glad tha you wrote me a comment in english so I can practice even more!♥♥♥♥
Carolina: i know that if the circumnstances lead you to, you are going to be able to handle all the things that you need. You can do what ever you want. You set your own limits! That is my most important recomendation for you!♥♥
Joda: tan linda...tu me inspiras! Besitos de semana!♥♥♥♥
I came to your house only to say hello!!!
I am really busy too!!!
Carolina: :) too!
Nelly: i just can´t imagine when my turn of being in a hurry like you is going to come! XOXO!!!
Hola Tulip, que bien que sigues en tus estudios, felicidades!!!
Con todo lo de la partida he estado full, pero la emociòn es insuperable....espero que pronto estes por alla y podamos un dia conocernos.
Muchos saludos y exito...
I`m busy Toooo, So So busy..Happy week♥
Ned to talk to you again. This excema is not getting any better (actually is is much worst.....). I am concern that he might became allergic to yogurt, cheese or even soya milk. Something is causing this reaction and is driving me crazy not knowing what is it!
¡Beetle!: begin to check detergent, fabric softener (suspend it immediatly), body soap and lotion. Use just 100% cotton clothes and get rid of yogurt and white cheeses right away but mantain soy based formula. Give him the antialergic prescription twice a day for 2 weeks or give me a call (i don´t remember exactly which was the one i prescribed Francho).
Antonieta: gracias por tu visita.... te deseo dias de 24 hrs si ya estas preparándote... Suerte y nos vemos allá! keep in touch!
Ross: you always make me laugh!!! :)♥♥♥
Antonieta: era días de 48 hrs no te 24 como es lo habitual!!!
Beetle: there are some oatmeal natural soap... try it! It can dry real fast the dermatitis!
buen ejercicio!!
Epa! Creì que estaba leyendo el blog de Gabriel!! ;))
Gracias por venir a saludar al MUSEO (que quedarà abierto claro).
Vengo a despedirme de la blogosfera... (podrè??)...
Estoy pensando en hacer un blog en chino, pienso que asì captarè la atenciòn de bastantes millones de lectores desprevenidos :)) Por què no? Jua juaaaaaaa! Te lo dejo como idea.
Te visitarè ...en Toronto verdad?
Un beso muy grande y gracias por tu buena onda!
Dear Dr Tulip:
After giving him Claricort last night he´s much much better this morning (almost normal....). I´ll buy some Aveeno soap today (that´s the one my friend uses to her very allergic baby) and stop using softener in his laundry.
Will try your Blueberry pankakes again today, with a maple syrup I´ve bought yesterday.
Will let you know. Thanks a lot for the support!
Alejandra: merci! Recuerda que este lunes toca de nuevo control!
Gus: te creo que no postearas más.. pero no que te retiras de la blogosfera!!!! Tu no puedes vivir sin nosotros!
En Chino no entiendo ni papa.... así que prefiero que tenga bastantes fotos para al menos deleitarme con eso!
Nos vemos en Ottawa! Saludos!
Beetle: Well done! Keep me informed! XOXO... PAncakes and syrup???? Haaaaaa!! Yumi!
no no no nooo!
espanol com bak plis!
Ayer lo bañe con un polvito llamado Äveeno baby¨que me regalo mi amiga. despues le ehe una cremita de Aveeno tambien. Desde que empezamos con la Trixera en caracas no lo veia tan bien. Le di una sola dosis tambien de Claricort. Para hoy tengo otro sobrecito de aveeno baby, lo malo es que aqui no se consigue, hay que mandar a traerlo de EEUU. La crema si se consigue pero es bastante cara.
Lo que si es que casi no quiso comer, solo su pan con queso y el yogurt (ahora al menos empezo a incluir gelatina en su dieta!) asi que me costo quitarle los lacteos......
Anne: get used to it!!!
Beetle: puedes usar el jabon de avena que te dije y la cremita entonces... Well done! Que coma bastante de lo que quiera!
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